akaryakıt otomasyonu CM30

Product Info

CM30 Control Module

TankerTrack,is the vehicle tracking system designed for the petroleum tankers. System basically stands for the transmission of the fuel disposal quantities to the servers through GPRS channels together with the GPS information. After disposal the quantity of it is automatically transmitted to the central server. The LCD or RFID models of the device provides geographical or ID depending pricing features. Depending on the customer different prices can be charged. The map and report sections of the system provide realtime payload, disposal and position information to the users.

TT12 Control Module, similar to data logger devices, passes the data coming from the Pulser Module to the servers over the GPRS network. The servers can receive the amounth of disposal fuel, the current fuel level in the tanker tank and similar data from TT12 Control Module. Some of these information are also stored by the device for future queries by the servers.

TankerTrack is installed to the driver cabin (away from the x-proof region).The communication between the pulser and the device is handled through the RS485 bus.

Emergency Pedal, Gate Detector and In Cabin Microphone are optionally connected to the system.